Tomodachi life getting married.

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Tomodachi Life Baby Crying

Once the Baby Option is enabled, one of the married Miis will tell that they are thinking about having a child when the player goes to a married Mii's apartment while they have a pink love icon on their window. If the player accepts, the baby event will arrive a few days later. A married Mii can have more than one child if the player wants. That will happen around 1 month after the first child. Jun 27, 2015 A Beginner's Guide to Tomodachi Life Babies (and Why I Kind of Hate Them). My first Tomodachi Life baby, was born, a lovable ball of joy was what I was hoping for.

News flash! The YMMV Tab is now open on Troper Island. You can read examples that you may or may not agree with in the YMMV Tab.

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In Tomodachi Collection, there are six types of songs that Miis are able to perform. They are given as level-up gifts but unlike Tomodachi Life, the singing is done in the Mii's apartment and Miis cannot be put into a group. There are six genres ranging from J-POP to enka, rock, idol, ballad and rap.

Jun 08, 2017  A Wedding, A Confession And A Tragedy -.Tomodachi Life. Gameplay #22 - Duration: 15:20. FiyahKitteh - Gaming With Your Favorite Cat Girl 7,395 views. Jun 19, 2017  THE BIGGEST FIGHT EVER!!! (Tomodachi Life #29) Subscribe and join TeamTDM!:: DANTDM US TOUR TICKETS:: Tomodachi life fight calm down.

Tomodachi Life Baby Names

Tomodachi Life Rock Baby

Tomodachi Life Baby Cheats

  • Accidental Innuendo:
    • In Collection and the Japanese Collection: New Life, the gesture a Mii makes when it wants to play an Islander Game with you resembles A Date with Rosie Palms.
    • If you tell a Mii that your favorite games are RPGs, they'll describe them as 'long and meaty', and that sometimes they cry at the end.
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    • These are some of the things that Miis will say when you push them on the Swing:
      • 'Push harder!'
      • 'Push! Push!'
      • 'Go faster!'
      • 'Woo-hoo!'
      • 'Yeah! Yeah!'
      • 'This is the best!'
      • 'This is amazing!'
      • 'Don't ever stop!'
  • Alternative Character Interpretation: Half the fun of Tomodachi Life is to fill the apartment with Miis based on various characters from different franchises and then try to make sense of the relationships that develop from it.
  • Author's Saving Throw: After the backlash that occurred when Nintendo explained why Tomodachi Life didn't have same-sex relationships, they issued a public apology for the lack of same-sex relationships and promised that the next game will be 'more inclusive, and better represents all players.'
  • Awesome Music: Has its own page.
  • Big-Lipped Alligator Moment:
    • When Miis ask you to look at a funny face they made, listen to an impression of a random islander, or look inside their head or stomach.
    • Advertisement:
    • Sometimes when you look closely at a Mii, they will have something attached to them and you can remove it. This can range from something mundane like a flower petal on their head to something that's ridiculous like a crab on their sleeve.
    • A Mii meeting another, disguised Mii on the roof of the apartment, who makes a random quip, and sometimes gives the main Mii a piece of paper or photo, before leaving.
    • The Islander Games and Tomodachi Quest for those that aren't hunting for Treasure. Simply because you can acquire more money faster by simply leveling up Miis at Level 20 or higher and selling off the Silver and Gold Coins they give you.
    • Leveling up an angry Mii. If you give them something that gives a '[They] liked it' response, you can level up a Mii that's angry with another Mii. No mater how happy the Mii's dialogue may suggest, leveling them up will not help anything. It's even stranger if the Mii is at least Level 20 because they will then thank you for being so nice while performing their personality's angry gesture as the fight music plays in the background.
    • Advertisement:
    • Leveling up a furious Mii. No matter what you give them, they are so mad that they refuse to calm down. This is especially jarring after they level up and give you a coin. The only way to calm down furious Miis is to get a third Mii who is close to one of them to intervene, with a 50% chance they'll refuse to make up.
    • Parents calling you for any reason, unless it's to announce that a new baby was born, or when they're ready to ship their child away.note Every other time will be when they can't calm down their crying baby,note when the parents receive a letter from their child,note and when a child returns home briefly to meet their parents.note
    • Some moments from the Nintendo Direct:
      • Mii Iwata singing in a tub. It's never foreshadowed or spoken about again. And you can do the same by giving a bath set to your Miis.
      • There's an oversized Mii Reggie jump scaring Bill up from his dream, which turns out to be a Dream Within a Dream.
  • Breather Level: The card switch game is much easier than all of the others. The odds are even that you'll win immediately, and greater than even that you'll win at all, because you always go first.
  • Broken Base:
    • The same-sex relationships backlash. Some fans view the backlash as a reason that Nintendo will no longer localize future installments in the series. Others disagree and are sure the series will continue being localized even if it doesn't match Animal Crossing in terms of sales success. Also, of course, whether fans sympathized with Nintendo and understood why they didn't have it in the first place or not, even though such an option was never present even back in the days of Tomodachi Collection.
    • The advertising strategy for the game after the initial reveal in the West caused quite some base breaking amongst those who got hooked during the Nintendo Direct presentation. After pulling of a style appealing to older Nintendo fans during the reveal, Nintendo then they pulled a Mood Whiplash with the ads and made a blatant move to appeal to the younger audiences, showing children playing the games and the general weirdness toned down drastically from the Nintendo Direct presentation. Needless to say, a lot of older fans who got hooked during the initial reveal got turned away from the game when Nintendo decided to focus the advertising campaign predominantly on the younger audiences. Others understand Nintendo is trying to appeal to all audiences and aren't as driven away.
    • The Replay Value of the game. Many get tired of theFake Interactivity and occasional Welcome to Corneria moments only a week in, while other players think the amount of customization options, the minigames, the socialization bonuses, the numerous potential friendship/couple combinations, which get larger the more Miis you have, and the hundreds of collectibles keep things interesting for much longer.
  • Crack Ship: Due to the nature of the game, you can have Miis based on characters from different franchises or real life figures marry.
  • Critical Research Failure: The dream featuring one or three Miis as snails is titled 'Hermit Crab'. It doesn't help that the resulting food item given from the dream is escargot, which is made from snails, not hermit crabs.
  • Demonic Spiders:
    • Arguments and Fights, both are which are inevitable and will find ways to damage a friendship or relationship, the former being capable of knocking one or both Miis in a relationship downwards a total of up to three levels (or even rarely, all the way down to Not getting along), eventually leading to..
    • The breakup/divorce requests where a Mii goes 'Things aren't going so well with me and [sweetheart/spouse]' and you have no choice but to have them move on or work it out. It can happen even when one of the two Miis has their relationship at a high level, making one-sided breakups/divorces common, or even if neither of them are in a low friendship rating.note It can also happen when the two Miis are in their apartments, looking at each other like their love will last forever, and one of them still wants to breakup/divorce.
    • Even if you select 'Work it out', there is a greater probability of the Miis being unable to get back together, killing their relationship on the fly and sending both of them into an inevitable depression.
    • The only tool you have to combat a declining relationship are travel tickets, which are rare and not given out as much as other gifts. You cannot use them to cancel a breakup/divorce altogether or raise the chances of the two Miis making up. Furthermore, the one who is in the 'Danger Zone' (Getting along OK or lower) will refuse to take their sweetheart/spouse with them when they go on a trip, bringing one or two of their family members or friends instead.
  • Genius Bonus: One of the things that can be on a Mii's mind is the formula for e^x's summation form, which is much more advanced mathematics than what the target audience would be expected to have seen.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: The amusement park occasionally opens up Tomodachi Quest, a short RPG minigame with the Miis as the protagonists. Years later, Nintendo would release Miitopia, an RPG featuring Miis.
  • It's Short, So It Sucks!: A common complaint about the game, with the Fake Interactivity and Welcome to Corneria moments becoming noticeable fast.
  • Junk Rare: The packet of tissues has maybe a 1 in 8 chance of appearing when you receive an item from a traveler.note It is worth just as much as the similar treasures, box of tissues and toilet paper, which are both used as a Consolation Prize.
  • Memetic Mutation:
    • Oh yeah. After the game's European and American Nintendo Directs, many elements from both directs went viral quickly. Here's a portion of them:
    • The big lipped alligator moments.
    • All hail the Virtual Boy!explanation
    • All hail the cracker! Explanation
    • Mii Iwata playing with a cat instead of doing something more important.
    • What?!explanation
      • No way!explanation
    • This is MY bear! MINE!explanation
    • Tomodachi, Tomodachi, Tomodachi..explanation
    • You're so cold-blooded, Iwata! It's like talking to a dinosaur!explanation
    • Wait up, cornflakes!explanation
    • One dream in particular appears to be a rising meme now that the game is out:
    'And how are things in your country?'
    'Ha ha ha! Wonderful!'
  • Misblamed: Fans thought a patch in the Japanese version fixed a glitch that had an unintentional Gay Option for Miis, causing them to complain about it being 'fixed' due to it beingTruth in Television. What actually happened was Nintendo was fixing a data transfer issue that rendered the game unplayable when transferring Mii characters from the Japan-only Nintendo DS installment to the 3DS one. The 'gay marriages' are due to people creating Miis that look male and assigning them female, and vice versa.
  • Moe: Easygoing Miis' sweet, innocent nature can be very endearing.
  • Most Wonderful Sound:
    • The music that plays when you feed a Mii their super all-time favorite food, as well as the accompanying sounds,note especially when it happens for the first time.
    • When two Miis make up after a fight: 'I'm sorry too,' followed up by the violin fanfare. Or better, the music box version, as that means they made up after a more violent fight.
    • 'It went like a dream!'note
    • The jingle that plays in a Mii's apartment when they're feeling happy, along with their happy Catchphrase if you gave them one. The good mood jingle is an especially wonderful sound if a Mii has just doused the flames of two other Miis locked in a tumultuous conflict.
    • 'Thanks for being so nice! Please accept this token of my gratitude.'note
    • The sound of a baby Mii cooing happily, rather than crying.
    • The jingle that plays when you obtain an item worth 100 dollars or more as a gift or from a dream, or the Gasp! you hear when obtaining it from the mystery bag.
    • 'I'm sick of fighting. I want to be friends with _____ again.'note
    • 'My darling/love..will you marry me?' This is then followed by the Mii's sweetheart's accepting the proposal, complete with celebratory romantic music:
      • 'Yes! Yes! A thousand times, yes!'/'It would be my honor! I'm so happy!
      • 'YES! Wow! I thought you'd never ask!'/'OF COURSE I'll marry you! What a happy day!'
      • 'I do! I will! Oh my gosh, I'm so happy!'/'Of course! This is the best day ever!'
      • 'Oh my gosh! Yes! Of course I will!'/'Marry you! Of course I will! This is so great!'
    • Any theme that involves the Mii in love:
      • Jingly music that sounds like tinkling bells: The Mii has feelings for someone.
      • An intense violin riff with Heartbeat Soundtrack: The Mii wants to propose to their sweetheart.
      • A soft rift consisting of jingles and harp: The Mii is thinking of having a baby.
      • Sad, tragic harp song: The Mii misses their ex-lover and wants to get back together. (Dark Reprise of the 'feelings for someone' theme)
  • Narm: While the flashbacks of two Miis breaking up can be heartbreaking if they were a real life couple (such as your parents or yourself), if you are lucky enough to get this song playing in the background of the flashback, the exaggerated vocals can turn it from sad to rather funny.
  • Narm Charm: Many of the Miis' quotes, songs, and actions are hilariously exaggerated, but then again, that's probably one of the reasons you got the game.
  • Nausea Fuel: That extremely unappetizing photo of food items that probably shouldn't go together used for the Ruined Meal. The Moldy Bread, Banana Peel, and Spoiled Milk food items are pretty bad, too. Unsurprisingly, feeding them to your Miis will always result in negative reactions, but even worse, there's no other way to get rid of these items, meaning that unless you decide to utilize Video Game Cruelty Potential those awful foodstuffs will always sit in your food inventory to be looked at any time your masochistic curiousity comes about.
  • No Yay:
    • Although you can set Miis' relationship to you, either blocking out or encouraging romance options (depending on what you set them as), you can't set their relationship to each other, so if it doesn't involve your look-alike Mii, parents can hook up with kids, siblings, or cousins with each other, or really old people with young people. And in the Japanese version, it can also happen between kids and adults, but they both have to be adults if they wish to get married. The only saving point is that you can prevent the Miis from getting together by discouraging them from asking each other out or proposing, which will inevitably plunge the asking-out or proposing Mii into Sadness condition. Yes, the game penalizes you for refusing to allow incest pairings.
    • No matter howdepressed a Mii can get, chances are that you do not want your look-alike to hook up with Dr. Eggman or similarly highly unattractive characters.
  • Overshadowed by Controversy: Drink every time you see someone who knows nothing about the game besides its lack of a Gay Option.
  • Paranoia Fuel:
    • After the first time you give a Mii their absolute most hated food, you will probably feel on edge each time you feed other Miis a new food item.
    • Once you have your first couple go 'Things aren't going so great', every time a married/dating Mii has a Social (Orange) Problem will be this.
  • Player Punch:
    • Do you like a particular couple, especially if your look-alike is one half of the couple? Then you won't like hearing this:
      'Things aren't going so great between me and (sweetheart/spouse)..'
      • Even worse in the PAL version. The line above seems a little sugarcoated, as if the Mii is attempting to avoid letting the player down. The English and Australian versions don't mess around and get straight to the point.
    'I want to break up with (Special Someone/Spouse)'
    • When a married couple breaks up, their house is removed, and the two Miis show up in each other's Relationships pages as 'Ex-Spouse' to remind you that they are no longer together. This is double if it was your Mii, and quadruple if your Mii was married to your real life significant other's Mii or someone you have a crush on.
    • 'I'm sorry about what happened.' 'I'm still not over it.'
  • Scrappy Mechanic: Has its own page.
  • Sequel Displacement: Collection was never released outside Japan.
  • So Okay, It's Average: In the end, the game does have some questionable design choices being a spiced-up virtual pet game with Miis where their intelligence is rather lacking and having to deal with the presence of the dreaded breakup/divorce procedures, lots of Big Lipped Alligator Moments, and fighting against the game's Random Number God,note but after all that there is some fun to be had with the overall experience.
  • Spiritual Licensee: Some have said it's a Moonbase Alpha game made for the 3DS, thanks to the use of synthetic voice actors.
  • Squick:
    • Any type of 'negative' food, which include Ruined Meal, Moldy Bread, Spoiled Milk, and Banana Peel. Even some legit foods like the Squid-ink Spaghetti and Raw Oyster can come across this way, and unlike the trash foods they can be a Mii's all-time or super all-time favorite.
    • A Mii randomly asking you to look inside their stomach.
    • It's completely possible for a Mii to show romantic interest in another Mii that they are related to and discouraging them automatically puts them into the sadness state.note Even worse, it's actually possible for a Mii to interrupt another Mii's profession of love for their own family member and attempt to attract them instead, which awfully enough, is up to luck whether that particular Mii accepts their incestuous offer or not. The only fail safe in this situation is that if the Mii chooses one of the suitors that interrupts afterward, they'll ask you if it's okay for them to get together, which you can say no to, without even the penalty of making them sad. But still, the fact that they can offer and accept these offers in the first place is pretty off-putting.
  • That One Sidequest:
    • The proposal minigame. A couple has come this far in their love life, and this is how the success of one's proposal is decided: you have to touch the screen at the exact moment the sweetheart is thinking about the proposing Mii. You must do this four times, and you can only screw up twice. What makes this especially frustrating is that, even if you do time it right, unless their personalities perfectly click, the game will still find a way to screw you and your dream couple over.note Furthermore, it locks Miis out of asking you for anything else until you agree to help them propose, so even if you don't want them to get married, you'll have to take a few minutes out of your day to sabotage the proposal.
    • For anyone looking to obtain treasures, Tomodachi Quest can be this. It's overall a Luck-Based Mission since the Miis you get to use are randomized and if an enemy focuses too much on a single character and your party misses too much, you can end up losing a character or having them drop to next to no HP before you even make it to the boss. The bosses also take so much damage it's not even funny. Finally, only certain classes can heal using Mana that's unreplenishable and if a party member dies, they're out for the rest of the game.
    • The Catch minigame that the islanders sometimes play with you. You have to catch an item that they drop, and trying to catch it is much easier said than done since the items vary in size and need to be near the dead center of the hand or they'll bounce off or fall through. The Miis will either ramble on, making you lose focus, fake a countdown to when they're going to drop the item, drop the item immediately, giving you no time to prepare, or will pretend to drop the item only to reveal that it's attached to a string. And you only get two chances. Also, on some of the most difficult to catch items, you're actually better off financially if you forfeit.
    • Shadow and Zoom Quizzes, two minigames also hosted by islanders that are rather brutal in some cases thanks to a few quirks:
      • In the former, especially when trying to guess food, most of the food is placed on a plate or dish, said plate or dish being included in the shadow. If the food or treasure the Mii is requesting is circular and you are given two or three options that would link to a circular object, it will ultimately boil down to luck. The double quizzes are even harder because in addition to the above issues, occasionally the shape of the smaller item will be completely obscured by the larger item.
      • The latter isn't as harsh as Shadow Quizzes, but there can be some instances where the food or treasure is zoomed in in a spot that makes it difficult, if not impossible to identify the zoomed-in food or treasure properly, especially with items that are zoomed in entirely on negative space (e.g., pearl necklace) or an opaque container (e.g., hot chocolate). There's also the case of two items being significantly similar to one another in concept (e.g., a pebble and a truffle).
    • Vs. Match. The islanders' memory is near-perfect in this game. Once they know where the matching tiles are, they will almost always make the pair right away. Even worse, they seem to have an uncanny knack for pulling matches completely out of their ass.note You have to be at the top of your game or hope that they don't uncover multiple pairs at once.
    • Rocking a crying baby. Even if you find the proper rhythm, the motions still might not register correctly, and you could end up trying to calm them down for a long time. The game only responds to upwards/downwards movements with the bottom half of the system. Not helping matters is that one of the parents will actually complain if you rock the baby too hard during the attempt to find the proper rhythm.
    • The football/wrestling minigame seems to be randomly biased toward either you or the Mii: Either you leisurely tap the screen for less than 10 seconds and get the Mii's figure pushed out of the ring with next to no effort, or waste 30 seconds furiously mashing the screen with your stylus as the figures circle the ring constantly, only for your figure to tip over right when you're about the push the Mii's figure out of the ring.Note
    • The minigame where you have to help a Mii sneeze is incredibly frustrating because there is no single technique that works consistently. Sometimes you have brush the nose with broad strokes, and sometimes you have to tickle intensely in one spot. Sometimes you have to tickle lightly and then speed up, and sometimes you have to slide the stylus like a madman the entire time. Sometimes you have to stop when they tilt their head back and go 'Ah-', and other times, that's your cue to start tickling more intensely.
  • Uncanny Valley:
    • The disembodied human hands you use to control minigames. Also, the Miis with realistic proportions in the Compatibility Tester and in some of the Mii News stories. The former gets even creepier when you realize they're supposed to be your hands.
    • Because the Miis talk often, the game is especially good at showing off some of the more imaginatively designed extra features on them, mostly when their creator has used the mouth for something else like an extra eye, nose, or a bandanna.
    • The Miis created based on a photo and their realistically sized eyes which look strange and creepy against the large head/small body Miis.
    • When you enter a house while your Miis are playing peekaboo with their baby, they will look up at the camera with a shocked, wide-eyed expression while still shaking their heads around in weird ways.
    • Just entering a Mii's house at all will cause every single Mii there to stop what they are doing and contort their head to stare right at you with wide eyes.
    • Whenever you push someone on the swing. They're stiff as a board, and you can't even see their face most of the time. The most they'll move is to turn their head.
    • A lot of the funny faces that the Miis show you can easily tread into uncanny valley territory due to how they can move their facial features.
    • A Mii's reaction upon eating their second favorite food. While their breakdancing counts as a funny moment, their smiles are rather unsettling.
  • Watch It for the Meme: Many are sold on this game just because of the memes.
  • What an Idiot!:
    • Miis attempting to confess their feelings to a Mii that already has a sweetheart.
    • When two sweethearts previously had a romance that ended in tragedy, and one of the two Miis later gets married with a different Mii, the ex of that Mii may attempt to get back together with his/her former love after speaking 'I can't stop thinking about how things used to be, I miss [ex's name], I really think we should get back together.' If you say yes, the married Mii will reject the attempt at a reunion, either by themselves or sending one of their friends to deliver the news, sending the ex into 80% sadness. If you say no, they'll agree to your words and forget about it.. until several weeks later when the ex re-asks you if a reunion with their former love is possible, which can happen even if you initially picked to help them out only to have the married Mii reject him/her. If the rejection wipes the ex's name off the 'Ex-Sweethearts' list, only then will they completely stop requesting getting back together.
    • Two of the fight flashbacks involve the Miis arguing over a bear or a random item or food. The resolution? Either they share it, or it doesn't belong to either of them at all. They're too angry to realize it.
    • If your Miis that are currently in a couple have poor synergy with each other, they can threaten a break up or a divorce. The logic behind their relationships falling can be getting into Arguments or just plain ignoring one another:
      You'd Expect: The two Miis to attempt to patch their problems up and boost their bonds by spending more time with one another.
      Instead: Both Miis continue to either ignore or not bother being with their love once their relationship becomes low enough, resulting in their bond tanking further and the inevitable divorce prompt being within reach.
  • What Do You Mean, It Wasn't Made on Drugs?: Some parts of this game, like the dream sequences.
  • Woolseyism:
    • In the Nintendo Direct, the hilarious scene of a life-size Mii Reggie Jump Scaring Bill up from his dream, making him let out a Wilhelm Scream, and then Reggie doing an Evil Laugh was not in the Japanese or European version of the Nintendo Directs.
    • The Rap Battle wasn't in the original Japanese version, so it is all this.